Scott writes about and advocates for Universal Basic Income (UBI) and related economic and social issues. His journey into the world of UBI began as a personal exploration of economic ideas and solutions. Over time, he delved deep into the subject, conducting extensive research and writing articles and essays to share his insights with a broader audience.
Scott is the founder and president of the Income To Support All Foundation, a non-profit whose mission is to support ambitious projects that help realize UBI through research, storytelling, and direct implementation. He's also Senior Advisor for Humanity Forward, an organization dedicated to educating lawmakers on bipartisan evidence-based policy solutions on behalf of the nation's families, communities, and economy. Additionally, he serves on the board of directors of the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, a non-profit organization utilizing various programs and initiatives to raise awareness of the threat of technological unemployment and further educate individuals about the benefits of UBI.
Scott has actively used social media and other online forums, including Basic Income Today, where Santens serves as an editor, to make the case for UBI as a practical solution to address poverty, job insecurity, and challenges posed by automation and technological advancement. He emphasizes that providing every citizen with a dividend can not only reduce poverty and insecurity but also stimulate economic growth and empower individuals to pursue their goals and dreams. He is the author of the book, Let There Be Money, in which he connects the economic dots for everyone to see the big picture of humanity's relationship to money.